One Who Is Real Is Humble
To be real on this path you must be humble--
If you look down at others you'll get pushed down the stairs.
If your heart goes around on high, you fly far from this path.
There's no use hiding it--
What's inside always leaks outside.
Even the one with the long white beard, the one who looks so wise--
If he breaks a single heart, why bother going to Mecca?
If he has no compassion, what's the point?
My heart is the throne of the Beloved,
the Beloved the heart's destiny:
Whoever breaks another's heart will find no homecoming
in this world or any other.
The ones who know say very little
while the beasts are always speaking volumes;
One word is enough for one who knows.
If there is any meaning in the holy books, it is this:
Whatever is good for you, grant it to others too--
Whoever comes to this earth migrates back;
Whoever drinks the wine of love
understands what I say--
Yunus, don't look down at the world in scorn--
Keep your eyes fixed on your Beloved's face,
then you will not see the bridge
on Judgment Day.
The drink sent down from Truth
The drink sent down from Truth,
we drank it, glory be to God.
And we sailed over the Ocean of Power,
glory be to God.
Beyond those hills and oak woods,
beyond those vineyards and gardens,
we passed in health and joy, glory be to God.
We were dry, but we moistened.
We grew wings and became birds,
we married one another and flew,
glory be to God.
To whatever lands we came,
in whatever hearts, in all humanity,
we planted the meanings Taptuk taught us,
glory be to God.
Come here, let's make peace,
let's not be strangers to one another.
We have saddled the horse
and trained it, glory be to God.
We became a trickle that grew into a river.
We took flight and drove into the sea,
and then we overflowed, glory be to God.
We became servants at Taptuk's door.
Poor Yunus, raw and tasteless,
finally got cooked, glory be to God.
The lover is outcast and idle
My soul,
the way of the masters
is thinner than the thinnest.
What blocked Solomon's way was an ant.
Night and day the lover's
tears never end,
tears of blood,
remembering the Beloved.
"The lover is outcast and idle,"
they used to tell me.
It's true.
It happened to me.
I tried to make sense of the Four Books,
until love arrived,
and it all became a single syllable.
You who claim to be dervishes
and to never do what God forbids --
the only time you're free of sin
is when you're in His hands.
Two people were talking.
One said, "I wish I could see this Yunus."
"I've seen him," the other says,
"He's just another old lover."
The mature ones are a sea

The mature ones are a sea.
A lover is needed to take the plunge,
a diver to bring up a pearl.
When you have brought
the pearl to the surface,
a jeweler is needed to know its worth.
Stay on the road until you arrive.
Be speechless. Don't become a salesman.
Find an 'Ali to follow.
Muhammed knew Truth in himself.
Truth is present everywhere.
You only need eyes to see it.
Ask your daily sustenance from Truth,
the only Apportioner. Find someone
who is master of his ego.
The lovers asked me to sing.
Someone without greed is needed
to complete what is started.
Sufi, who are you kidding?
Can anyone but Truth
satisfy a human need?
Truth's place is in the heart.
There is a verse in the Quran-In soul
love has a tower higher than the throne of Creation.
I've gone crazy on this Way.
I can't tell day from night.
The arrow of Love has pierced my heart.
Come, poor Yunus, come,
hold the hands of the mature.
In their humility is a cure.
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