Love came

Love came
flowed like blood
beneath skin, through veins
emptied me of my self
filled me
with the Beloved
till every limb
every organ was seized
and occupied
till only
my name remains.
the rest is It.

In my heart Thou dwellest--else with blood I'll drench it

In my heart Thou dwellest--else with blood I'll drench it;
In mine eye Thou glowest--else with tears I'll quench it.
Only to be one with Thee my soul desireth--
Else from out my body, by hook or crook, I'll wrench it!

On Unity's Way

On Unity's Way:
no infidelity
no faith.
Take one step
away from yourself and --
behold! -- the Path!
You, soul of the world,
must choose the road
of Divine Submission
then sit with anyone you like
-- even a black snake --
but not your self!

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